What Are Down Payment Assistance Programs?

Down payment assistance programs are set up to help First Time Home Buyers purchase their first home.  These programs are set up to loan an amount of money to the home buyer that will be paid back with interest over a period of time.  The interest and monthly repayment amounts for these programs tend to be fairly low.

This will have an effect on what your total mortgage payment will be.  In most cases the mortgage payment will consist of: your first loan (principal and interest), your second Down payment assistance loan (principal and interest), property taxes, homeowners insurance and your monthly mortgage insurance premium.

Down payment assistance programs can be a great fit for many would be First Time Home Buyers, who wouldn’t otherwise be able to purchase a home on their own.  After educating yourself on how different down payment assistance programs function, you may well discover that it is the perfect way to turn you from a renter into a homeowner.

There are many different types of down payment assistance programs available.  We have programs fit for different geographic regions as well as different personal situations.  There are general programs offering $1,000 to $10,000 in assistance, as well as more specific programs offering up to $45,000!

The amount of down payment assistance a person is eligible for will depend on their financial situation.  A needs assessment form will take several factors into consideration to determine the amount of assistance alloted.  The amount will depend on such things as a person’s income, liquid assets (not including retirement accounts or 401Ks) and the purchase price of the home.

You must attend one of our First Time Home Buyer workshops to be eligible for our programs.  The Washington State Housing Finance Commission requires that you attend one of our workshops in order to apply for down payment assistance.  The workshop is FREE, and there is no obligation to move forward in the process if you decide the programs are not a good fit for you.  If you would like to  learn more about the programs, or gather more information on the home buying process in general, go to our Calendar/Reservations page and sign up for one of our free First Time Home Buyer workshops.


One comment

  1. [...] home buyers.  However, if you can’t afford either of these down payment amounts, we do offer down payment assistance programs for qualified first time home [...]